Show #194 - Overcoming the Yips

Ask The Coach Show | Table Tennis show

Summary: <h4>Friday Funnies - 1:00</h4> <p>What better than a knock knock joke?</p> <h4>Last #PQOTD - 2:45</h4> <p>What is your favourite Table Tennis photo?</p> <h4>#PQOTD - 3:38</h4> <p>Premium members: What is the best part of the PingSkills Premium membership?</p> <p>Free members: What would entice you to become a premium member?</p> <h4>Practice vs Matches - 4:20</h4> <p>Ilia: When playing drills I feel comfortably playing defence in open game, I can block and counterattack. But in matches, I feel extremely anxious being under attack, and can only block at best. How to deal with it?</p> <h4>Activation Level - 8:18</h4> <p>Ilia: Some people say that during a match it is crucial to pump up yourself with positive thoughts even when things go really downhill. Do you think that it is possible to overdo it so it becomes detrimental? What was your most memorable comeback?</p> <h4> <a href="">Receiving Tomahawk into the Middle</a> - 11:55</h4> <p>Abhinav: I have had trouble in receiving long tomahawk serves from right handed players into my body (me being a lefty). It's right into my body and a bit fast as well, I am unable to do the pivot footwork and do forehand topspin. What can I do?</p> <h4>Positive Talk - 14:55</h4> <p>Ilia: Oops, I should have phrased differently :) By pumping up I meant lots of self-talk like "I can do it", "I have everything I need" and so on and avoiding negative thoughts at all. Do you think it is helpful? Honestly, I do not :)</p> <h4> <a href="">Follow Up Attack</a> - 18:30</h4> <p>Vineeth: I am unable to attack balls after 1st me please</p> <h4> <a href="">Overcoming the Yips</a> - 21:12</h4> <p>Robin: I was wondering if you have ever encountered a table tennis player suffering from the yips? I believe it is affecting me and it's obviously quite upsetting to lose a skill you once had in the blink of an eye. Do you have any relevant advice?</p> <h4>Links in this Episode</h4> <p><a href="">Bruce Sutter</a></p> <p><a href="">Saeed Anwar</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis/sports-psychology/">Sports Psychology Course</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis/master-classes/forehand-followup/">Forehand Followup</a> - for premium members</p> <p><a href="/aboutus.php">Alois' Best Comeback</a></p> <p><a href="">Podcast about Free Throws</a> - Surprisingly Awesome</p>