Show #250 - Our Last Show

Ask The Coach Show | Table Tennis show

Summary: <h4>Our Last Show - 0:45</h4> <p>Alois has got a new job performing number crunching for the Australian Bureau of Statistics and will be doing mathematical equations each morning and so will no longer have time for the Ask the Coach show.</p> <h4>This Day in History - 1:41</h4> <p>The 1st of April is know as April Fools Day</p> <h4>Friday Funnies - 3:55</h4> <p>Jeff crosses his computer with a life guard and an elephant. And then plays chess against it!</p> <h4>PingSkills T-Shirts - 5:16</h4> <p>Matthew: Hi, Alois and Jeff. How do I get my hands on a PingSkills T-shirt? Thanks!</p> <h4>Last #PQOTD - 6:35</h4> <p>Do you have a good idea for a #PQOTD?</p> <h4>#PQOTD - 8:02</h4> <p>Should edge balls and net balls be considered out?</p> <h4>Power Of Practice Final Day - 9:25</h4> <p>Alois talks about his experience and what he has learnt over the 31 days. We'll be announcing the winners of the competition on Monday. We'd love for those of you who have been doing the challenge to record a summary video of your thoughts.</p> <h4>Waldner vs Current Day Players - 14:51</h4> <p>Viktor: Would Waldner survive against the current players? I don't think so, I think the game is too fast and they're too strong at the moment, Waldner would have a chance. Maybe in his prime. Your thoughts?</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/modified-grips-for-serving-2/">Grips for Serving</a> - 17:11</h4> <p>Abhishek: What are the different ways in which the Shakehand grip can be modified in doing the pendulum and other spin serves?</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/picking-a-coach/">How To Pick a Coach</a> - 19:17</h4> <p>Leon: How can I pick a coach? I went to a club and a few coaches approached me to coach me. It was quite overwhelming. Should I practice under a couple of coaches and see which coach i like best? Or should I just pick the best player/coach?</p> <h4> <a href="/table-tennis-forum/keeping-your-composure-2/">Maintaining Composure</a> - 22:50</h4> <p>Stan: In my experience, I've noticed that a few players, including myself sometimes, start to lose their composure; getting frustrated because of losing, which causes them to start losing more. Do you have any way to have any way to help keep composure?</p> <h4>The World Tour - 26:09</h4> <p>Viktor: Please tell me when the next tour is and what it's called.</p> <h4>WWE - 27:24</h4> <p>Viktor: How much do you know about Wrestling / WWE? ;)</p> <h4>Links in this Episode</h4> <p><a href="/table-tennis-forum/pendulum-serve-index-finger-pisition/">Pendulum Serve Grip</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis-forum/long-handle-blade-problems/">Reverse Pendulum Serve Grip</a></p> <p><a href="">Plastic Balls Q&amp;A</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis/sports-psychology/">Sports Psychology Course</a></p> <p><a href="/table-tennis-store/">PingSkills T-Shirts</a></p> <p><a href="">Ben Larcombe's Power of Practice Video</a></p> <p><a href="">PingSkills Power of Practice YouTube Playlist</a></p>