#34: (Q&A) Is There Any Language In Use Today That Could Be Used 1,000 Years Ago? - History Unplugged Podcast | American History, World History, World War 2, U.S. Presidents, Civil War

History Unplugged Podcast | American History, World History, World War 2, U.S. Presidents, Civil War show

Summary:  <br> <br> Any fan of Shakespeare knows how much the English language has changed over the last 400 years. A student of Chauncer knows even better. A brave student of Beowulf knows almost better than anyone else. You literally have to be a scholar to read "English" of 1,000 years ago.<br> <br> But are there any languages that haven't changed to this degree? Languages that a normal citizen can pick up a text from a millenium ago and understand perfectly?<br> <br> The answer is yes. Listen to this episode to learn which one.<br> <br> TO HELP OUT THE SHOW<br> <br> Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.<br> Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher