Ep 006 Hacking, RV Life, and Being a Digital Nomad with Zach and The Renaissance Man

Thinking Liberty show

Summary: Zach and Sarah give a brief update on current location and travels, followed by an interview where Zach was the guest on the Renaissance Man Podcast, home of the most interesting men in the world. In this interview, Zach shares information related to his career in information security, how he started on this career path, remote work, and living a mobile lifestyle.<br> Resources: <br> If you are not pursuing the “traditional” college route, or you are interested in expanding your knowledge outside of your degree, <a href="https://www.coursera.org/">Coursera</a> has many courses at varying price points in many subjects, from some of the top universities.<br> If you are seeking to prove, refine, or even take a course on some of the fundamentals, there are many <a href="https://www.giac.org/certifications">GIAC</a> certifications available (GSEC is a good place to start). Resources for study can be found online, reading textbooks on the subjects, or by taking training via <a href="https://www.sans.org/">SANS</a>.<br> In the interview, Zach mentioned bug bounty programs as a way to conduct authorized testing, earn a bit of money, and really show what knowledge and skills you have. <a href="https://hackerone.com/bug-bounty-programs">HackerOne</a> and <a href="https://bugcrowd.com/list-of-bug-bounty-programs">Bugcrowd</a> both offer compiled lists of what bounties are currently available.<br> <a href="https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Vulnerable_Web_Applications_Directory_Project">Intentionally vulnerable web apps</a> are also a good place to test yourself and learn. As mentioned, it is not uncommon for security companies to use these type of tests as part of the interview process.<br> <a href="http://www.trmpodcast.com/">Renaissance Man Podcast</a> – From the About page: “The show focuses on all things Renaissance Men which means that it is the opposite of Seinfeld. This is the show about everything.”<br>