S01 Episode 06

The Red Couch Podcast with Propaganda and Alma show

Summary: <a href="https://relevantmagazine.com/podcast/s01-episode-06/" title="S01 Episode 06" rel="nofollow"></a><p>This week, Prop and Alma examine the latest in pop culture, current events and politics.</p> <p>We hear about the acquittal of the police officer who killed Philando Castile, their opinions on “All Eyez on Me,” the brand-new Tupac biopic; the shooting at the Congressional baseball practice and a lot more!</p> <p><a href="https://storage.googleapis.com/relevant-magazine/podcast/propaganda-podcast/06/20170620_redcouchpodcast.mp3">Download the podcast.</a></p> <span class="et_bloom_bottom_trigger"></span><br>