The Neuroscience of Resilience | Bill Hefferman

Agile Amped Podcast - Inspiring Conversations show

Summary: <p>Bill Hefferman is an Organization Consultant at PeopleFirm, and he is presenting on "Resilience and Thriving in the Face of Change and Adversity" at Change Management 2017. Bill dives into the neuroscience of resilience, how resilience is hardwired into all of our brains, that we can fall "below the line" of resilience in trying situations, but that there are techniques and tools at our disposal to restore our natural resilience in the face of change. Bill's go-to method is empathy and compassion. There are also powerful questions you can ask to help yourself and others become aware of your own resilience, such as:<br>- How can I learn from this stress?<br>- Who do I reach out to get help in this situation?<br>- Who else is frustrated about something that I can help with?<br><br>Resilience is so crucial today because we are immersed in a constantly changing world and because, as Bill puts it, "life is just one long string of resilience practice after resilience practice." That means it's within our grasp to become more resilient over time.<br><br>SolutionsIQ's Kat Conner hosts at Change Management 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana.<br><br>About Agile Amped<br>The Agile Amped podcast series brings Agile news and events to life. Fueled by inspiring conversations, innovative ideas, and in-depth analysis of enterprise agility, Agile Amped provides on-the-go learning – anytime, anywhere. To receive real-time updates, subscribe!<br>Subscribe: <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href=""></a>, <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href=""></a>, <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href=""></a><br>Follow: <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href=""></a> <br>Like: <a class="yt-uix-servicelink" href=""></a></p>