Episode 29: David’s Fave5

YTunes Shuffle show

Summary: <br> YTunes Shuffle went through many planning and trial and error stages before we interviewed and published our first guest. Here is a very early episode pulled out from the archives of David Earl Waterman sharing his Fave 5...even before it was called the Fave5.<br> You'll hear both <a href="https://twitter.com/MaggiMayfield">Maggi</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/D_E_W64">David</a> discuss their ideas of the show and where they want to go all while Maggi digs into David's iTunes list sharing stories of his time in the Army, what it was like growing up in a biracial household and the universal conept of 'body issues.'<br> We'd love to know what you think of the show! Send in your musical stories and thoughts to <a href="https://ytunesshuffle.podbean.com/mailto:YTunesShuffle@gmail.com">YTunesShuffle@gmail.com</a> or like us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ytunesshuffle/">Facebook</a>!<br>