News Cycle Survival 101 with an NPR reporter. Ep. 16

jesuitical show

Summary: <br> How do you keep your sanity while covering the news in the Trump era? This week we're talking with NPR congressional correspondent, host of the <a href="">NPR Politics Podcast</a> and proud Fordham alum Scott Detrow. Scott has some great tips for keeping up with the news without drowning in it. <br> Pro-tip: Listen to jesuitical while bike riding. Church can help, too.<br> In this week’s Signs of the Times, our self-described “tone deaf” pope belts out some hymns while at Mass with Charismatic Catholics, and our self-described “evangelical Catholic” vice president says, “American Catholics have an ally in President Trump.” Next, it has been said, “You can take away a relic of Don Bosco, but you can’t take away Don Bosco from the church or the world.” Well, that’s a relief, because last week a thief stole fragments of the 19th-century Italian saint’s brain on display at a church in Castelnuovo.<br>  <br>