0.48 — Boulder Startup Week 2017 Dev War Stories

StartupCTO.io show

Summary: <p>Hi and welcome to a very special Boulder Startup Week episode.</p> <p>This week we’ve got some stories from a session entitled “Dev War Stories”. If you’re a longtime listener, you know that this is one of our favorite questions to ask interviewees.</p> <p>There are 3 speakers giving war stories in this episode.</p> <p>The first is Ed Johnson, CTO of Goally<br> The second is Jason Cole, CTO of a few startups around town.<br> The third is Greg Lems, CTO at Door to Door Organics.</p> <p>One last thing. If you hear a flashlight turning on and off, its because miles set up the session to have the lights down low, kind of like a campfire ghost story type of atmosphere.</p> <p>Enjoy yall!</p>