031: From 0 to 3.5M Facebook Followers in 3 years: How to Attract a Massive Social Media Following with Steven Aitchison

The Hell Yes Entrepreneur show

Summary: Steven Aitchison is a speaker, coach, writer, author, entrepreneur and Facebook expert. Steven has amassed an online following of over 3.5 million followers. Originally starting his business in personal development, his expertise in social media, blogging, coaching, and growing an online business has become highly sought after, leading him to create Your Digital Formula, a program for entrepreneurs to grow their online presence and grow their business. Steven’s network of heart-centered entrepreneurs reaches over 100 million people a day with their unique messages, while also helping entrepreneurs grow their audience and their individual business.… <a href="http://hellyeslife.com/2017/06/13/31/" class="read-more">Read more</a>