Dad Tired show

Summary: We often judge our relationship with God based on how close or how far we feel from Him. But what about those times when you don’t feel either either? If we don’t feel that same wide-eyed and enthusiastic passion for God, does it mean something is wrong? Join host Jerrad Lopes as he discusses how our walk with God can become quiet, steady in the everyday and become less about feelings and more about commitment. When the passion fades, faithfulness takes over. A gospel-centered man shows up every day for Jesus because that is what Jesus did for us. Host: Jerrad Lopes Mentioned during the episode: · Jeff Vanderstelt, pastor, teacher, and speaker · Dr. Tim Chester, pastor, teacher, and author · Shane Claiborne, speaker, activist, and author · John Mark Homer, pastor, and author Scripture references: · Ephesians 2:8-9: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Connect with Dad Tired: · To subscribe on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. · Leave an iTunes review, this lets us and others know what you think and increases the chance that other dads will find us. · Like and Follow Dad Tired on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates. Join our Dad Tired closed Facebook group for men who are trying to figure out how to be better disciples, husbands, fathers, and men. --