Blathering all the time

The Blather show

Summary: Download each program to play on your desktop or portable mp3 playerCopy & paste The Blather feed into your reader. live bookmark or podcatcher(eg: Juice. ITunes, etc)Or subscribe via emailNot sure? Are you in in two minds as to whether you'll subscribe to Ratbag Radio? You're asking yourself perhaps,"Can this stuff damage my ears, addle my brain, or expose me to sounds I really don't want inside my head?" You're thinking,"Ratbaggery --can I risk it?" Sure you can. Sample the wares. Check out The Blather by listening to this promo. It won't tell you a darn thing worth knowing but it sure has all the attitude you could ask for. So come on: stick it in your ear! It will take less than a minute to play. * 51 secs 64kbps 401KB 24kHz A Note regarding iTunes iTunes still has The Blather listed  so that's what you need to search for in the iTunes Store to locate The Blather in the iTunes podcast catalogue. Alternatively... Open iTunes on your computerUnder the “Advanced” menu, select “Subscribe to Podcast…”In the window that opens, paste this URL: the “OK”button Listen now to other episodes of  The Blather in pop up player