Back Alley Beast, Mark III, Circular Cycles, Fuzz Job

Tales From Our Amplified Earth... show

Summary: Suddenly it's 1987 and you find yourself lost in a maze of Tokyo Alley's... Hello. Born with the name Doctor Percival Roy, I dove further into the creative arts and chose to shorten my monicker to something that reflected the depth of my creations. DEEProy (from D.P. Roy) suits me for music. The lyric and prose, however, require a different namesake. Inejiro Koizumi is what I call myself when putting pen to paper. Together, the two of me have created this experience; the first to properly represent the nascent genre of ElectroThink. 4 Sonnets + 3 Pieces of Music = Undercover Obese = ElectroThink. Follow Alphonse Ivanhoe De bon Marche as he goes on a walk to try and understand why it is exactly that he went to bed a sturdy 200 lbs, and woke up well over 600... Along his journey, his foot runs afoul of a nail. Then things get weird...