Team Selling, Group Performance Dynamics, and the Power of Tightly Knit Sales Teams, with Michael Dalis – Episode #88

In the Arena Podcast with Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |Business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |Revenue |Profits show

Summary: Team selling is a skill that MUST be developed these days. Gone are the days of the lone ranger approach to effective sales. Subject Matter Experts, Sales Professionals, and Support staff must come together these days to make the sales needed to move everyone forward. And the better any team operates - in sales and in any other team-based discipline - the better the outcomes. We only have to look to sports or music to see the power of a well-oiled team dynamic. This conversation with Michael Dalis about his new book, “Sell Like A Team” will give you insights into the dynamics of team selling that your organization desperately needs if it is going to succeed in the competitive sales world of today.<br> <br> <br> How are we as a unit going to execute better than any other sales team?<br> That’s a question you have not only got to be asking but answering effectively with practical, strategic action that empowers everyone on the team. It’s the question behind Group Performance Dynamics, a concept Michael Dalis highlights in his new book, "Sell Like A Team." In this conversation, you’re going to learn practical ways you can work as a team before your important sales meetings in order to be your best in those meetings. You’re also going to hear how to use rehearsals, feedback, and sales meeting agendas to manage the process more effectively from start to finish. Michael’s stuff is actionable, so make sure you don’t miss this conversation - and grab a copy of his book in the resources section of this episode’s show notes.<br> If your sales team is not in sync, you’ll have difficulty performing effectively.<br> When Anthony was younger he was in a rock band whose members were serious about their performances and their future. That’s where he learned the importance of Group Performance Dynamics, the topic of Michael Dalis’ new book, “Sell Like A Team.” On this episode, Anthony tells the story of how a particular performance was negatively impacted by a lack of team cohesion and uses the example to lead into Michael’s expertise around this area of team sales. It’s a great story but also one that illustrates in a tangible way why your sales team needs to be operating together as a well-oiled machine. Do your sales team a favor and listen to this conversation.<br> <br> <br> Do you rehearse team sales calls before you make them? You should.<br> If you have a sales team made up of experienced sales professionals, it’s easy to think that the combined experience of your group and the number of sales calls you’ve made collectively translate into an effective group sales call. Nothing is further from the truth. The varied dynamics that go into functioning effectively as a sales team are likely foreign to everyone on the team, so you need to take the time to rehearse your interaction and roles before the sale. Find out how Anthony and his guest, Michael Dalis recommend you go about that and hear why they both feel it’s the missing component that could drive sales to new levels of success, on this episode.<br> Team selling can not improve without honest feedback among the team members.<br> When you make a sales call as a team, it’s important that you not leave the meeting and move on with life. There’s so much to be gained through a team debrief where honest feedback can be given and received. On this episode, Michael Dalis says that the kind of feedback that truly benefits sales teams is balanced, specific, and honest. He defines each of that and gives advice on how you can make suggestions about individual roles in the upcoming sales meeting (tweaks) before it ever happens. He’s convinced that proper team preparation and post-sales-call feedback can produce powerful improvements to your closing rate. Find out more on this episode.<br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [0:44] One of the most common questions Anthony receives: a great CRM for small teams?<br>