Applying a New Daily Productivity Formula, with Allen Brouwer – Episode #89

In the Arena Podcast with Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |Business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |Revenue |Profits show

Summary: While Allen Brouwer probably wouldn't call the system outlined in his new “Self Journal” a productivity formula, that’s exactly what it is. He and his business partner, Cathryn created the Self Journal for themselves as a tool to help them run multiple businesses. When they did and began to realize the power of what they’d created, they decided to launch the Self Journal as a Kickstarter campaign - and were fully funded within 28 hours. When Anthony first saw their video he was blown away and bought his own Self Journal immediately. You can hear about this productivity tool, why it’s different and ultra effective, and how you can get your own free PDF copy, on this episode of In The Arena.<br> <br> <br> Part of Allen’s Productivity Formula: The 13-week goal-setting roadmap.<br> One of the ingenious things that make the Self Journal so helpful is that it provides a 13-week framework by which anyone can accomplish any goal. That may sound outrageous, but keep reading. The premise is that most people procrastinate and never accomplish their goals because they set too large of a time frame for its completion. By crunching the timeframe into just 13 weeks, action is required every day - and you’ll be amazed how quickly significant steps can be taken. Listen to how Allen describes the process to discover how you can make use of it, on this episode.<br> If you didn’t do something brag-worthy, you weren’t very productive ~ Anthony Iannarino<br> One of the markers Anthony uses to gauge his own productivity is whether or not he did something he really wants to tell other people about. Was there an accomplishment in your day that you are excited about? Did you reach a marker or milestone of some sort that has you jazzed? If so, you were undoubtedly productive. If not, you probably weren’t. You can hear Anthony discuss this concept with his guest, Allen Brouwer, co-creator of the Self Journal on this episode, so be sure you make the time to listen.<br> <br> <br> Do you write down your goals? Do you write them down repeatedly? Here’s why you should.<br> We’ve all heard that the chance of fulfilling your goals increases dramatically simply by writing them down. But Allen Brouwer says that your goal-accomplishment success rate goes up even more when you write down your goals repeatedly. He’s in the habit of writing down his goals every day - sometimes multiple times every day. In this conversation with Anthony you’ll hear him explain how he discovered this productivity hack, why he does it repeatedly, and the amazing results he’s seen come from it.<br> Focused attention on the most important things accomplishes tons, fast.<br> One of the things you want to come out of your morning or weekly planning time is a very clear focus on what the most important tasks are for you to accomplish each day. Then you’re set up to be productive and ultimately, successful. Focused attention on the most important things on your radar enables you to take massive action on those things, moving you forward and accomplishing major things in record time. Find out how the process works and how you can make it a reality in your life, on this episode of In The Arena, with guest Allen Brouwer.<br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [2:54] Who is Allen Brouwer and why did Anthony invite him to be on the show?<br> [5:12] Goal setting and the magic of the 13-week roadmap.<br> [7:08] The powerful bookends to Allen’s productivity system: Morning &amp; Evening gratitude.<br> [10:21] How Allen discovered the power of writing down your goal over and over.<br> [12:50] Making the most of the limited amount of time you have each day (the 3-task discipline)<br> [14:20] The important results seen from using the Self Journal.<br> [17:02] Why focused attention on the most important things accomplishes tons, fast.<br> [20:40] How the Self Journal was launched successfully on Kickstart...