Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick on The Frederic Bye Show!

Creative Magic Network w/Frederic Byé show

Summary: <br> Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are pioneers and worldwide leaders in the field of Spiritual Psychology, as well as teachers and facilitators of Awakening in Consciousness.<br> They are renowned educators, authors, and the Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica (USM), where they have designed, developed, and facilitated educational programs for the past 35 years.<br> Both are licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Mary is a licensed Clinical Psychologist.<br> They are also the authors of Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology, published by Hay House and available in 12 countries and 8 languages.<br> Their book, Remembering The Ligh, affirms that we all suffer from greater or lesser degrees of "Spiritual amnesia."<br>  <br> We've forgotten who we are and why we're here. <br>  <br> The process of Remembering is an active process through which step-by-step you remove or dissolve the barriers within your consciousness that are all that prevent you from knowing your Soul's nature-from experientially knowing that you are a Divine Being having a human experience. <br>  <br> Can you imagine walking through this world in a consciousness that is Awake to Love?  Wouldn't that be Amazing Grace?<br>