Kim's prophetic declaration from Orlando - You WILL Be Moved

House of Destiny Audio Podcast show

Summary: KIM’S PROPHETIC DECLARATION FROM ORLANDO This broadcast features excerpts from when Kim was in Orlando at Dr. Mark Chironna’s church in 2009, 7 years ago. It is a fabulous clip of Kim at his best, preaching and prophesying under a heavy and powerful anointing. He prophesies about ruins and ashes and how out of the ruins will come great prosperity. This is the time of Daniel where things are being unlocked. This is the time Daniel saw where things are being opened up. The prophetic revelation that is coming will change the status of sin in this land and laws will be changed because of it. He goes on to speak how out of the ruins of the auto industry (remember this is just a year after the recession of 2008), vehicles will be raised up that will be the pride of this nation. Ford Motor company and others that are “no names” at that time will suddenly spring up and be a magnificent force with a new source of energy. Kim goes on to preach that America has been brought to its knees and is in fear but God is in charge of this nation and its economy. There’s too much praying and not enough commanding. There is too much begging and pleading. Uder the prophetic revival, our prayer life will completely change. We won’t e begging, we’ll be commanding. God doesn’t want to hear complaining and weakness. He wants us to command in faith. Amen! Sunil shares Kim’s prophetic word from June 6, 2009 in Orlando – “They have taken My Joseph. They have taken the prophetic voice from amongst the brothers and sold it to the world. . . . God says Joseph is about to return. The prophetic sound is about to come back to the earth and to this nation.” Wow, so powerful! In true prophetic fashion, Sunil goes to Kim’s piano and repeats those words, applying them to Kim. It is a very powerful moment. Joseph is about to return . . . Kim is about to return! The prophetic sound is about to come back to the earth and to this nation!