The C.O.W.S. w/ Mrs. Doreen Lawrence

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Summary: The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Mrs. Doreen Lawrence. Mrs. Lawrence is a black female who resides in the United Kingdom. She is the mother of Stephen Lawrence. Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death by a gang of teenage Racists. Stephen Lawrence was eighteen at the time of his death. No one has ever been punished for his murder. We'll discuss her book, "And Still I Rise": Seeking Justice for Stephen - which offers a thorough account of her views and courage.The next thing I remember is a shout of 'F*$@ing nigger.' I was too upset to do anything about it, but my sisters and cousin walked over and confronted the [Racist Suspect] who had shouted, and were called 'Black c*$ts.' in return. Cheryl said, 'it was bastards like you that killed my nephew.' The [White Woman] then said, 'If he hadn't been in this country he'd still be alive.' She then grabbed a brick out of the boot of her car and threatened Cheryl with it. It was a terrible introduction to the outside world.(Days after the murder of Stephen Lawrence) INVEST in The COWS - CALL IN NUMBER: 641.715.3640 CODE 564943# The C.O.W.S. archives: