Episode 177 - Geek Embassy Plays Pathfinder - Ep 4 Denizens of the Vastwood

Game on Girl show

Summary: <h2>Denizens of the Vastwood: Episode 4 of The Keeper of the Dead Saga</h2><br> <h3>Greetings Geeks!</h3><br> <p>Have you been anxiously awaiting the next chapter in our journey? Wait no longer, dear adventurer! Episode 4 of our adventure takes our traveling band of would be heroes deeper into the darkness of the Vastwood. We encounter more than a few dangerous creatures in this leg of our journey. <a href="https://youtu.be/wH6f2TvKEgo">Episode 3 – Perils of the Gartooth Swamp</a> – saw our first fight so we pick up this episode amidst the fallout from that fight. The denizens of Vastwood are less than welcoming.</p><br> <p>Each of our characters reacts differently to the fallout from the fight and taking the next step forward as we search for the trinket that set us on this path.</p><br> <h3>To Discuss</h3><br> <p>What is your worst nightmare in a story? What would you do if that nightmare happened to your character?</p><br> <p>Miss an episode? Watch the entire series <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhMs5iyo6OPu8Yc8L0rYdvcWEC9nfwgL8">here</a>!</p><br> <p>Until next time, get your geek on!</p><br> <p>Regina, Isabela, Dante, Mark, and Evan</p><br> <p> </p><br> <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper"> </div>