Solo Smarts #137: What Do You Want To Create More Of In 2017?

Solopreneur Podcast – Solopreneur Smarts show

Summary: I've been teasing my community for weeks now and it's time to say ‘Ta-Daa!' and reveal Love People + Make Money! This is a rebrand of my Big Tree Income course combined with a launch of a new Coaching Program for 2017. I'm in a coaching program myself right now, in fact we're more than half way through as I get ready for this podcast episode.  It's been incredible to participate in. I learn so much from the two gals I'm in it with and our facilitators.  We've been consistently encouraged to surprise ourselves and lean into what we value most. There's a question that comes up a lot, “What do you want to create more of in the world?” It can be intimidating to think about impacting ‘the world', so we can get personal…. What do you want to create more of in your family? What do you want to create more of in your relationship? What do you want to create more of in your business? What do you want to create more of in your industry? Have you ever considered that you could be intentional about creating change in your life – and perhaps have an impact on the world around you? There's a great saying that we don't really know who to credit with:  “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” So true, right?  If we can predictable create more of the same in our lives, can't we predictably create more of something different? Of course we can! It starts with me.  (And you!) And because we are adept with online social tools, the changes we create in our own lives have an impact on the world.  This happens naturally every day – almost without trying, we share a change we've made in the way we eat. We like new recipes and pin healthy preparation ideas – and voila, we're seeding healthier concepts among our friends. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandi What Do You Want To Create More Of In The World? Health? Positivity? Creativity? Success?  You can spread whatever you want to. As marketers, we can go beyond what happens organically and be intentional – expanding our reach and impact exponentially. And, we can invite others to cooperate with us!  (This is my favorite!) “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead I've developed Love People + Make Money to create more of what I want to see in the world. I want to see: Successful solopreneurs running profitable businesses without sacrificing all the good things of life in the process. Individuals leaning into their desire to help others, stepping up to spearhead projects that do good. Business communities cooperating to have a a greater impact. People finding love, support and acceptance in small groups. Children all over the world surviving cancer with their ability to procreate intact. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. What do YOU want to create more of in the world? Everyone Has A Dream. Everyone has an inkling of something good they'd like to do for others.  I want to light a fire in your belly and foster the belief that you CAN do it. You can build a great online business, be part of amazingly warm communities of like minded people and have a positive impact on the world around you. You can Love People + Make Money – and I want to be there to support you. Click here to learn more!