Being on The Chefs’ Line and facing challenges as a team was priceless– Chase Kojima

Japanese show

Summary: Chase Kojima, born and raised in the US, is Executive Chef and founder of Sokyo, one of the renowned Japanese restaurants in Sydney. Chase and his team at Sokyo recently appeared on the SBSs TV program The Chefs Line and cooked against four home cooks. Chase shares his experience on set and how unique and special it was. Chases motto is not to be lazy and try to keep improving yourself every day so even after the big face-off on TV, nothing has changed, his battle with himself as a chef never stops. The Chefs Line is broadcast weeknights at 6pm on SBS. The new episode featuring Japanese cuisine and Sokyo starts on the 19th of June. (シドニーの日本食レストランSokyoのエグゼクティブシェフを務める米国出身のチェイス・コジマ氏。このほど、SBSの料理対決番組「The Chefs Line」に出演しました。この番組は、料理自慢の一般の人が、有名店で見習いシェフからさらにレベルが上のシェフへと段階的にチャレンジしていき、最終的に店のトップシェフと対決するというものです。テレビ番組での料理対決の感想や、シドニーのフードシーンについて、そして「料理は自分とのバトル」と語るコジマ氏が普段心がけていることなどを聞きました。「Japanese 」をテーマにしたSokyoが舞台のエピソードは19日からの週にSBSで平日の午後6時から放送されます。)