12/24/16 Kabbalah and Segulos Today, Using them to market Tzedakah - What needs a Hechsher?

Headlines show

Summary: <br> Kabbalah and Segulos Today, Using them to market Tzedakah<br> with Rabbi Zev Leff, Rosh Yeshiva and Rav of Moshav Mattisyahu<br> with Rabbi Doniel Neustadt, Rosh Vaad Harabonim of Detroit<br> What needs a Hechsher?<br> with Rabbi Avrohom Stone, Senior Rabbinic Field Representative of OU Kashrus Department<br> <a href="https://headlinesbook.podbean.com/mf/web/bkvj68/show_98_Kabbalah-and-Segulos-Today-Using-them-to-market-Tzedakah-What-needs-A-Hechsher.pdf">מראי מקומות</a><br>