Navigating Biological Family Relationships: With Guests Mercedes Russaw & Johnston Moore

Foster Movement Podcast show

Summary: In this episode we visited with former foster youth and adult adoptee, Mercedes Russaw. Mercedes entered foster care at a young age and was adopted by her foster mom. She discusses the desire she had as a young adult to explore her biological family relationships and talks about the dynamics of how that impacted her relationship with her adoptive mom. With beautiful faith and clarity, Mercedes talks about the role her relationship with God has played in her understanding of her relationship with both of these important women in her life. We are then joined by writer and foster and adoptive dad, Johnston Moore, who is the Founder and Executive Director of Home Forever. While Johnston and his wife Terri have come to be strong advocates for building relationships with biological family members of kids that have come into their home, they didn’t always feel that way. Johnston shares about his journey to understand the importance of these relationships and how God has used this in amazing ways.