126: How to Achieve Anything with a Lot of Hustle with Anthony Trucks

The 18STRONG Podcast: Golf | Golf Fitness | Mental Game | Nutrition show

Summary: Today I am very excited to announce our guest, Anthony “Truck Stop” Trucks. Anthony is a former NFL player, gym owner, father, and motivational speaker. He grew up facing adversity at every turn, being in foster care, suffering abuse, losing his adoptive mother to MS, failing in school, and the list goes on.<br> Anthony decided that he wasn’t going to be hindered by his upbringing, and took things into his own hands through grit and hard work. He has since played in the NFL, owned a successful gym, become a father of three, and is an international speaker on motivation.<br> Anthony has a deep desire to leave an impact and a legacy that improves the world in the best way we can.<br> Anthony Trucks’ Background<br> <br> * Anthony was placed into a foster home at a three years old.  He experienced physical and mental abuse, starvation, and torture. All before the age of 6 before he was placed into a home where he would eventually be adopted as the sole black person in a poor all white family 8 years later.<br> * He eventually took up football in high school, and through hard work, he became an all-star in college and went on to play in the NFL.<br> * After his career was cut short due to injury, he opened gym, which, again, after years of hard work and almost losing it a couple of times, he built is up to a successful six-figure business.<br> * Anthony is now a father of three and after closing his gym to pursue a mission of helping many more people, he now travels around the world teaching people how to get confidence, clarity, new tools, techniques, and self-belief to finally break through their barriers to get what they want most out of life.  this through my 3-step Trust Your Hustle process: See, Sacrifice, Sustain.<br> <br> Highlights from this Episode<br> <br> * Anthony’s background in foster homes, and the challenges he faced on a daily basis.<br> * The thing he heard a girl in his class say, that completely changed the way he looked at the world. From there he decided that he was going to be great, and work hard to achieve what he wanted to achieve.<br> * Anthony takes the approach that the best thing you can do to change is to start working. He believes that it’s important to not overthink it and to take steps to move closer toward your goal.<br> * The lessons Anthony has learned along the way, and the framework he teaches so that people can use to achieve their own dreams which he describes as his “Trust Your Hustle Process:”<br> <br> * See<br> * Sacrifice<br> * Sustain<br> <br> <br> * The things people can do to get out of their comfort zone, when they know what needs to be done but can’t bring themselves to do it. Motivation needs to come from within and Anthony finds a way to bring that out of people.<br> * The story behind Anthony’s catch phrase, “Trust Your Hustle”. Hint: it came up accidentally.<br> * The importance of blocking off time to achieve your goals. We also get into the concept of ‘training your friends’ of what to expect from you. If they know you have to make 1000 putts a day, then let it be known you can’t hangout unless you make 1000 putts.<br> <br> Caddy Shack or Happy Gilmore?<br> Happy Gilmore<br> Who would you spend a day on the course with and why?<br> Obama, because he would know a lot of things about the world that no one else knows.<br> What’s one piece of advice you would give to the audience?<br> You’ve got to work. There are no shortcuts.<br> Where to find Anthony Trucks:<br> Website: <a href="http://www.anthonytrucks.com">http://www.anthonytrucks.com</a><br> Trust Your Hustle Quiz: <a href="http://www.anthonytrucks.com/trust-your-hustle-quiz-start/">http://www.anthonytrucks.com/trust-your-hustle-quiz-start/</a><br> Facebook: <a href="http://facebook.com/anthonytrucks">http://facebook.com/anthonytrucks</a><br> Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/anthonytrucks/" target="_blank">@anthonytrucks</a>...