Women And Words: The Bloggers Have Bailed????

The Lesbian Talk Show show

Summary: <br> Women and Words podcast overview<br> The Bloggers Have Bailed???? 3-10 Dec. 2016<br>  <br> Andi and Jove realize that their bloggers seem to have bailed a week early for holiday vay-kay already as the Hootenanny gears up; Andi gets confused; Jove and Andi rave over the late Sarah Dreher’s Stoner McTavish, and both Jove and Andi are already losing their minds over the giant-ass Hootenanny as it looms on the horizon, like some fast-moving cloud filled with peppermint dust, tinsel, elves, and raindeer…<br>  <br> 3 December: Women and Wordster Erin Saluta did a reader’s perspective on holiday lesfic-themed books.<br> Women and Words link <a href="https://womenwords.org/2016/12/03/deck-the-halls-with-everything/">HERE</a><br>  <br> 8 December: Author and Women and Wordster Fiona Zedde talked about the choices she’s made to live the life she wants while Andi and Jove decided they liked those ideas.<br> Women and Words link <a href="https://womenwords.org/2016/12/08/lazy-jamaican-princess-wanted/">HERE</a><br> Fiona Zedde’s <a href="http://www.fionazedde.com/">website</a><br>  <br> 9 December: Author and Women and Wordster Andi Marquette did not do an official Fangirl Friday, as she’s prepping for the Hootenanny, but she did suggest everybody go see Star Wars: Rogue One. It opens in the States on the 16th.<br> Women and Words link <a href="https://womenwords.org/2016/12/09/fangirl-friday-is-taking-a-break-but-go-see-star-wars-rogue-one/">HERE</a><br> Andi Marquette’s <a href="http://www.andimarquette.com/">website</a><br>  <br> 10 December: Women and Wordster and reader-in-residence Erin Saluta interviewed fellow reader Dy Frame for her take on lesfic over the years.<br> Women and Words link <a href="https://womenwords.org/2016/12/10/a-different-perspective-dy-frame/">HERE</a><br> Check our <a href="https://womenwords.org/category/calls-for-submissions/">submissions page</a> to get in on some cool projects.<br>  <br> AND DON’T FORGET TO JOIN US BEGINNING MONDAY 12 DECEMBER FOR THE 12-DAY GIANT-ASS MEGA BOOK GIVEAWAY (plus other stuff) AT WOMEN AND WORDS! WOOOOOOOOO!<br>