3/18/2016: Episode 19 - Grant Brisbee Returns!

The McCovey Chroncast show

Summary: Grant Brisbee takes a moment out of his busy schedule to talk about the present state of the Giants. Sure, it's Spring Training, and only just last week did Bryan talk about how much he "doesn't care" about Spring Training results, but the Giants haven't really lit the world on fire and neither of their huge offseason investments have yet to show much of anything positive... so is it time too care?  And, we decide to steer this podcast ship right into baseball's latest controversy: kids in the clubhouse! What's the deal with almost-Giant Adam LaRoche? And do those Giants who side against LaRoche in this instance really have a leg to stand on?  We also answer a Twitter question or two and for this week's game we steer into another controversy: the present vacancy on the Supreme Court? Which Giant do we think could capably fill the position? It's a quick, fun 'cast that'll pump you up for the weekend. Maybe. At the very least, Grant's smooth podcast voice will give you funny feelings. Finally, a heads up: we're experimenting with limited ads through our hosting platform, BlogTalkRadio.