A Changing World - a UN in Progress [Audio]

LSE: Public lectures and events show

Summary: Speaker(s): Natalia Gherman | Editor's note: Due to technical difficulties, this podcast does not include the Q and A section. Natalia Gherman is a former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova. She is a career diplomat holding the diplomatic rank of Ambassador. In June-July 2015 she was acting Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. In February 2016, the Moldovan government formally nominated Ms Gherman as a candidate for the position of UN Secretary-General. In March 2014, Ms. Natalia Gherman was among seven most impressive women leaders in the world, selected by The Guardian UK for the ranking "Seven women to watch in global politics who are leading positive change all over the world". Mark Hoffman is Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations at LSE. The Department of International Relations (@LSEIRDept) is now in its 88th year making it one of the oldest and largest in the world.