Growing Trade the Progressive Way [Audio]

LSE: Public lectures and events show

Summary: Speaker(s): Chrystia Freeland | In a world of growing protectionist trends, how can trade respond to the concerns of people who feel they were left behind, and how can we shape the 21st century inclusive trade agenda that everyone will benefit from. Chrystia Freeland (@cafreeland) is Canada’s Minister of International Trade. She received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University, and continued her studies on a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University. Before becoming a Member of Parliament in 2013, she was a successful author and journalist for the Financial Times, The Washington Post and The Globe and Mail, as well as editor-at-large for Thomson-Reuters. Karen Smith is Professor of International Relations and Director of the European Foreign Policy Unit at LSE. The Department of International Relations (@LSEIRDept) is now in its 88th year, making it one of the oldest and largest in the world.