Ep. 27 - Sleight

Beers, Burgers, & a Movie show

Summary: A young street magician/drug dealer, played by Jacob Latimore, tries to provide for himself and his little sister after their parents have past. The movie has some problems like choppy acting and a shaky script but it's really trying to entertain you and with just a couple a tweaks this could have been really good.<br><br>Also... who could resist a movie with an evil Dule Hill<br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:beersburgersandamovie@gmail.com">beersburgersandamovie@gmail.com</a><br>Website: <a href="http://beersburgersandamovie.tumblr.com">http://beersburgersandamovie.tumblr.com</a>