MFM – Episode 91: How to find the perfect virtual assistant – with Chris Ducker

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: You’re a busy person. You have lots that you have to get done. Chris Ducker understands that. He is the go-t0 guy when you want to free up your time and find someone to outsource your menial tasks to. Today I talk with him about how to find the perfect virtual assistant and the important questions you should be asking before hiring someone.<br> Stuff mentioned in the show<br> Virtual Staff Finder (affiliate)- Chris’ virtual assistant hiring service<br> Chris’ website<br> Join My New Business Bootcamp for Free!<br> I'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO START, RUN, &amp; GROW A BUSINESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY<br> • Apply Smart Social Media Strategies<br> • Create Raving Fans with Free eBooks<br> • Utilize the Power of Blogging for Business<br> • Grow Your Empire Through Outsourcing<br> • Attract Customers with Videos &amp; Podcasts<br> • Plus, Much More!<br> Why this Site is Going to Make You More Successful in Business &amp; Life<br> If you’re struggling to get your business geared up for the ‘new economy’ that everyone’s talking about, then you’re at the right place.<br> Even if you’ve been successful in business for years, times are changing. Fast. If you don’t learn how to do business ‘the new way’, then you’re going to be left behind. I should know, I felt this way myself 3-years ago – and I’ve totally changed the way I do business.<br> This is my personal blog, but its also a melting pot of information to get you kitted-out with all the tools, tips and tactics you need to be able to start, run and grow a business in the 21st century.<br> Hundreds of posts, plenty of interviews with successful entrepreneurs and tons of great content mean you’ll be ready to take on the world with a ‘new business’ mentality faster than you ever imagined.<br> Sound good..? <br> Enter your details below to get started by signing up for my FREE 7-Day ‘New Business’ Bootcamp. <br> <br> Guy who outsources his job to China HERE<br>