Motherhood in Hollywood's 100th Episode Extravaganza!

Motherhood in Hollywood show

Summary: We did it! We made it to our 100th episode! I say "we" because I know there's no way I could have reached 100 episodes alone.  There have been countless friends, family and fans who have supported this show.  I have seen every tweet, every Instagram comment, every Facebook comment and every email. I feel so honored that this show has resonated with you. I'm celebrating with giveaways!  The first 50 people to leave a comment on my podcast by June 4th on iTunes will get a $10 gift certificate to! That's all you have to do and the gift card is yours.  And for everyone who subscribes to my website, you'll be entered to win a gift box full of Hollywood swag worth over $550!  I'll pick a winner at random on June 2nd and announce the winner on Facebook and my podcast. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support! Don't forget to subscribe to Motherhood in Hollywood on iTunes. Follow me on Twitter @HeatherBrooker Instagram at Facebook at And keep up with my Hollywood happenings at