DC Comics Talk Podcast - DCCOMICSTALK show

Summary: Barry and Joe go after terrorist Axel Walker, who goes by the name Trickster. Axel sets a diversion for the Flash so that he can break James Jesse, the original Trickster from 20 years prior, out of prison. James and Axel attempt to extort wealthy patrons by poisoning them and ransoming the antidote. When the Flash arrives, the Tricksters fit him with a bomb that will detonate if he stops moving. Dr. Wells coaches Barry on how to vibrate his molecules so that he can phase through objects, which removes the bomb. Afterward, Barry provides an antidote to all the patrons, before capturing the Tricksters. Later, the Flash reveals his identity to Eddie, so he can help keep Iris from looking into Dr. Wells for her own protection, as Barry realizes that Wells is the Reverse-Flash. In flashbacks, after failing to kill Barry as a child, the Reverse-Flash escapes down the road only to lose his speed. Gideon informs him that travelling back in time has drained his powers. He removes his mask to reveal the real Eobard Thawne. Eobard stalks Dr. Wells and reveals the particle accelerator is not built until the year 2020. He then appears to kill Wells and steal his appearance and identity so he can develop the particle accelerator sooner and return to his timeline.