Episode 4 - Super T.O. Bros.

The Triumph Table show

Summary: <p>Got some cool, gnarly, things for you guys this ep!<br><br>We talk about the new bloodbowl stuff available AND the new Skirmish game that is now up for pre-order.<br>*note: Brae misenterpreted the "star players for every team" part of the new Blood Bowl season rules, there is not rules in there for ALL other teams, just 3 and the Star Players*<br><br>Brae calls up a fellow podcaster from the <a href="http://mortallywoundedpodcast.com/">Mortally Wounded Podcast</a> and chats with them about their upcoming narrative event - Sydney Slaughter! Brae gets excited over the custom missions that they've made.<br><br>Lastly, but most crucially awesome, the guys reveal their final recurring segment - Realm Fighter, where they duke it out in mortal c(k)ombat with two well known Heroes. Who will win? Best wait to the end to find out dudes and dudettes!<br><br>What was that event Sven was trying to recall? It's a Sigmar tournament going down in Bendigo (vic, Australia) at Measured Gaming on August 26th. There's no event page for it, but they do have their <a href="https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=773F4E2FF3CA5D7D!404&amp;ithint=file%2Cdocx&amp;app=Word&amp;authkey=!ADSP-nk2B4a5lVg">player pack</a> up. If you're in Vic (or anywhere else for that matter) why not go check it out?<br><br>Links<br><a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/1389026834489832/?ref=br_rs">Sydney Slaughter</a><br><br><br></p>