Stop, cooperate and listen: Ep 13

jesuitical show

Summary: <br> Does capitalism not do it for you? Communism a bit much? There's another way.<br> This week we're talking with <a href="">Nathan Schneider</a> (and his adorable baby, Daniel) about co-ops. Now, that word might bring to mind hippies living together and making vegan meals from the community garden (which Nathan did)—but there are hidden cooperative businesses all around you: REI, Dairy Queen, Southwest Airlines. We ask him about the Catholic roots of the co-op movement and why he thinks it's making a comeback. <br> In Signs of the Times, President Trump is heading to the Vatican. Will Francis be "pope-like" enough for him? And, Simone Biles: great Catholic gymnast or the greatest Catholic gymnast? Next, it's commencement speech controversy season. Do speakers at Catholic colleges need to agree with church teaching? Does anyone even remember commencement speeches? We discuss.<br> Finally, some Zac-splaining on the apparitions at Medjugorje—the site of Marian devotion (not worship) that has attracted millions of pilgrims since 1981.<br> Special shout out this week to Stephen Grant, who generously provided a fine selection of adverbs and monastic beers. And to Rosa Del Saz, America's vice president for finance and operations (and jesuitical's #1 Fan), for her moral and monetary support. <br>  <br>