Strange Fruit #197: Yes We DO Look Nice Today!

Strange Fruit show

Summary: This week, longtime Louisville activist and artist Tan Hazelwood joins us for an all-Juicy-Fruit episode! We talk about Lavinia Woodward, the Oxford student who stabbed and otherwise assaulted her boyfriend during a drug-induced argument. A judge delayed her sentencing and likely won't give her jail time because she's studying to be a surgeon and her future is so bright. She's young, slim, pretty, and white, in case you hadn't guessed. Sounds like a case of what we on this side of the pond would call "affluenza." Fruitcakes, do you have Hoteps in your life? Are they popping up on your timeline with poorly-thought-out arguments about the emasculation of the Black man, and how #BlackLivesMatter isn't for them because it was started by queer women? We listen to and analyze a passionate rebuttal by Mouse Jones, from Slay TV's show The Grapevine. "Let them lead! They're trying to make sure we're not shot no more," Jones says in the video. "You're not doing it. I can't do it. A lot of us can't do it." Author Feminista Jones also had us cracking up this week when she tweeted, "Piss a man off today: tell him you agree with his compliment of you." What followed was a flurry of screenshots of women doing just that, and a conversation about why women are not only expected to look flawless, but to somehow not think or know when they do.