Episode 21: Laser Light Cannon

Lunar Sea Spire show

Summary: GC13 and Hunter discuss the second episode of the series: Laser Light Cannon and discover an interesting fact: the second and second-to-last episodes of the season both involve Steven riding onto the beach to save the Crystal Gems. Is this a coincidence, or are the sneople at it again?<br> Has the question of why the homeworld sent a Red Eye, a seemingly antiquated piece of technology finally been answered? It might actually be an updated version of an old design, one far bigger. Of course we still have no ideas on how it might have been meant to report back to the homeworld, however. Give us time, and maybe we’ll come up with something.<br> The fantastic music of the series also comes up, as do the wonderful fan comics of the Crystal Gems raising baby Steven. We love you guys.<br> So how much do you like Greg? He may not be a perfect porkchop, but as a hot dog he sure seems to be doing a great job.<br>