Episode 3 - Tournament Vice

The Triumph Table show

Summary: <p><strong>EDIT - Due to feedback we have reuploaded the file at a higher volume.</strong></p><br> <p>Welcome back you mad crucial people!<br><br>We've got a new ep for you right now, with a new segment to boot!<br>This time around, we discuss that skirmish game Games Workshop has teased us with, check out some pretty nice fluff for one of the boxed sets, discuss our thoughts on running events &amp; the hurdles we faced during, and finally ending on a requested piece by a listener:<br>Sven's upcoming event Ardfists is using an interesting format and our listener Peter wanted to know the purpose behind the format.<br><br>Do you have some questions for us? or maybe would like us to check out a certain thing from Sigmar? Let us know, we'd love to know what you want!<br><br>Brae wants to know if you'd be keen on content from the boxed games for Sigmar (or Blood Bowl) being covered in the cast as well!<br><br>Again, you've floored us with your feedback! We love hearing from you, if you have something you'd like to say please don't be afraid tpo let us know.</p><br> <p><br>Cacth you all in 2 weeks time for more Triumph Table!</p>