The Fourth Show...

Breakfast with Sis show

Summary: April is National Donate Life month. During our time together we discuss multiple way to donate life. Anything from becoming an Organ Donor to being a mentor to those around us. Being a mentor is not always easy so we unpack a couple of ideas around what it means to be a good mentor. The unscripted format of our podcast is obvious each time we get behind the mics. There is always something we say that made perfect sense when we said it but in listening back we say, "What was I thinking?" :-) But why edit it...the goofiness of our mornings is just who we are. For 13 years our time together at breakfast has been just that...a time to pause from our week and spend a moment listening, sharing, and encouraging each other for the week ahead. Our hope is in the short amount of time you spend with us each week you come away encouraged and inspired. Thank you for listening.