216: Should I Ever Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

Theology For the Rest of Us | Quick Answers to the Questions About God and the Bible show

Summary: <br> <br> Mainstream views on homosexuality have shifted significantly in contemporary society over the past decade. Being homosexual is viewed as being perfectly normal, and even celebrated, by many people. Now, with the legalization of same-sex marriage, many Christians have asked: Should a Christian ever attend a same-sex marriage ceremony?<br> <br> This could be a tough question because there are a lot of emotions involved and wrapped up in the situation, and there possibly could be the risk that certain relationships could be fractured.<br> <br> Some people say that we should not ever attend because it endorses sin and causes people to believe that we affirm homosexual behavior. Others might say that we ought to attend same-sex weddings as an act of evangelism and charity. And other people might attend without ever really considering whether it is right or wrong. How should we respond? Should we attend?<br> <br> In this episode, Kenny gives a clear answer with careful focus on the importance of having a Biblical worldview and with sensitivity towards Christians who are friends with gay people that are getting married.