Where You Woke Up

Dad Tired show

Summary: The scriptures tell us to go and teach all nations and make them disciples. Many Christians sit back and let others shoulder this commitment, viewing outreach as the responsibility of those in the church who are paid to be ministers. But there is no such thing as a professional Christian. Join host Jerrad Lopes as he discusses how God has called each of us all to be missionaries. From the investment banker to the school janitor, each of us should enter our homes and workplace with the goal of bringing God’s will into that space. Discipleship may look different for each person but one truth remains the same, our designated mission field is wherever we woke up. Host: Jerrad Lopes Scripture references: Matthew 28:19 ESV "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Mentioned during the episode: Jeff Vanderstelt, author, speaker and coach and trainer for church planters. Connect with Dad Tired: To subscribe on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. Leave an iTunes review, this lets us and others know what you think and increases the chance that other dads will find us. Like and Follow Dad Tired on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates. Join our Dad Tired closed Facebook group for men who are trying to figure out how to be better disciples, husbands, fathers, and men.