Understanding the Science of Training to Run Faster: An Interview With Steve Magness

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

Summary: <br> Understanding they “why” behind your workouts is an often overlooked aspect of training for many runners.<br> Whether it be because you are new to the sport or because you’ve read<br> outdated or faulty advice, many runners struggle because they can’t <br> connect the physiological with what they’re trying to accomplish on <br> trails, road and track.<br> On our podcast today to help us better understand training methodology and training science is author and coach Steve Magness.<br> Steve is an accomplished runner himself (he ran 4:01 for the mile in <br> high school), a former assistant coach at the Nike Oregon Project, the <br> author of an authoritative blog, <a href="http://www.scienceofrunning.com/">The Science of Running</a>, and is now the head cross country coach at the University of Houston. He has also recently published a book called <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0615942946/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615942946&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=runners0b3-20">The Science of Running: How to find your limit and maximize your performance</a>.<br> Some of the main points that Steve and I discussed included:<br> <br> The history of training methodology and how we have arrived at the present<br> The most overlooked aspects of training, mileage and long runs, and how to question traditional training methods<br> Steve’s book, why he wrote, and what he hopes readers will get out of it<br> A few things that Steve thinks are part of the future of training and improving performance<br> <br> We’d like thank Steve for his time and wish him and his teams luck in the outdoor track season.<br> If anything in the interview inspires any thoughts, we’d love to hear<br> them. We’d also love to know what you think of our podcasts. You can <br> leave a comment here or on our <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/runnersconnect-podcast/id535203893">iTunes page</a>. You can also leave us a voice message at (617) 356-7969.<br> We look forward to your feedback and thanks for listening.<br> <a href="http://runnersconnect.net/running-interviews/steve-magness/">Understanding the Science of Training to Run Faster: An Interview With Steve Magness</a><br>