How to Turn Adversity into an Advantage: An Interview with 2:26 Marathoner Kim Jones

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

Summary: There are thousands of stories of people overcoming adversity through running.<br> These stories are the main reason that thousands more people get involved in running in the first place.<br> Former world-ranked marathoner Kim Jones’ story is one that could <br> inspire anyone. Growing up in a poor household in a family seemingly <br> prone to tragedy, Kim first used her running as an escape and later <br> turned it into one of the most prolific elite careers ever.<br> Known for starting many races well behind the leaders, Kim used the <br> amazing sense of effort and pace learned from her asthma, of all things,<br> to not only catch up to, but pass and defeat those early leaders.<br> Kim recently published her autobiography entitled <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0615597424&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=runners0b3-20">Dandelion Growing Wild</a>, a wonderfully detailed account of Kim’s childhood and running career and the many struggles that shaped her.<br> Some of the things that we discussed included:<br> <br> Kim’s approach to racing and the importance of pacing yourself<br> Kim’s unique training style of extremely hard and extremely easy days<br> The Bloomsday Run in Spokane, WA where Kim’s career was <br> launched, its course including the infamous “Doomsday Hill,” and what <br> makes it such a special event<br> Kim’s book Dandelion Growing Wild<br> <br> The coaching work that she does with her husband Jon Sinclair<br> <br> We’d like to thank Kim for her time and with her the best of luck in her coaching and life.<br> <a href="">How to Turn Adversity into an Advantage: An Interview with 2:26 Marathoner Kim Jones</a><br>