Podcast: Srini Rao on Being Unmistakable

The Accidental Creative show

Summary: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Unmistakable-Only-Better-Than-Best/dp/1101981709?SubscriptionId=AKIAJUACNBUJDACJ35ZA&amp;tag=iconsunderalt-20&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;camp=2025&amp;creative=165953&amp;creativeASIN=1101981709"></a>Consider a piece of work that truly stands out from the noise, whether it's a song, a book, or a business. What makes it so remarkable? Today's guest Srini Rao has interviewed hundreds of remarkable people, and he has compiled what he learned into a new book called . He shares how you can avoid the cluttered middle, and chart a course for unique impact with your work.<br> <br> ====<br> <br> Today’s episode is sponsored by <a href="http://freshbooks.com/accidental">Freshbooks</a>. To claim your free month trial – with no credit card needed – visit <a href="http://freshbooks.com/accidental">Freshbooks.com/accidental</a>.<br> <br> Music for the AC podcast is by <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/joshua-seurkamp/id19304415">Joshua Seurkamp</a>. End remix is by <a href="http://djztrip.com/">DJ Z-Trip</a>.