Emulate Your Superheroes

The Accidental Creative show

Summary: We're all influenced by the greats of our craft. Every writer has a hero, as does every designer, leader, and musician. However, we often fail to think deeply about why those particular heroes are so influential on our own work. In today's episode, I share a few ways you can probe the depths of your influences to hone your own craft.<br> <br> <br> <br> ====<br> <br> Today’s episode is sponsored by Twenty20, the place to get inspiring, authentic stock photos. For five free photos, visit <a href="http://twenty20.com/ac">Twenty20.com/ac</a>.<br> <br> Music for the AC podcast is by <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/joshua-seurkamp/id19304415">Joshua Seurkamp</a>. Remix is by <a href="http://djztrip.com/">DJ Z-Trip</a>.