Next Level Health Therapies

Super Woman Wellness by Dr. Taz show

Summary: Learn about next level health therapies such as infared, as well as how tuning in to your own body can bring you incredible results.No matter what your diet and fitness goals are, it's easy to succumb to a place of conformity. The typical "standards" to which women (and men) try to live up to are simply not feasible for every single person.  Every individual is unique, which is the basis for the concept of bio-hacking... understanding your own personal chemistry; how you interact with certain foods, exercise, sleep, etc. As difficult as it is to come to terms with, internal acceptance and motivation is so much more empowering than achieving a certain size or weight. Again, this can be challenging, especially when walking into the typical gym/boot camp or joining a structured diet group. To combat the pressure to conform, Lauren Berlingeri, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, advises to identify exactly why you're working toward a certain goal. Are you dead-set on fitting into a size 2? Or, are you trying to gain energy to be a better person/mom/friend? Once you focus on the basis for your goals, they will be much more achievable.  This type of mindset is one that Lauren and her business partner Katie Kaps implement in their company, HigherDOSE. The company believes the key to the “high life” is found through next level health therapies (like infrared) that up your DOSE: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins (your main "happy chemicals"). Infared is gaining popularity among the general population and has been shown to be beneficial for individuals with debilitating health conditions like Lyme disease, chronic pain, and heavy metal poisoning. Other benefits include:  Detoxification Calorie Burn Anti Aging & Skin Purification Relaxation Pain Relief Cell Health & Improved Circulation Listen in to learn more about next level health therapies such as infared, as well as how tuning in to your own body can bring you incredible results. The Superwoman Factor What qualities does Lauren think a superwoman should have? Find what really fuels you in life; discover your passion and live it.