Find Your Power: Tapping Into & Using Your Intuition

Super Woman Wellness by Dr. Taz show

Summary: In this frenzied, frantic world, we oftentimes let distractions and external forces take us away from leading our authentic lives.In this frenzied, frantic world, we oftentimes let distractions and external forces take us away from leading our authentic lives and listening to our internal voices. But, the gift of authenticity is within each of us. As a gifted Intuitive, medium and leader in meditation practice, Jill Willard's ease and grace have many coveting her golden rays of wisdom. Jill joins Dr. Taz to offer the following guidance: Pause and listen more, to your loved ones and to yourself. Hold in the quiet. Put your phone away and breathe for five minutes, at least once a day. Ego makes us human; it allows us to love for and connect to others and care for others. Rise up and clear out your ego. Don't run away from it; face it and embrace it. To calm yourself in any moment, hold something in each hand (any small object) and just sit for a minute or two to ground your energy. Or, tap your fingers to your thumbs while repeating "I am here now; I am present now." Try to be as fearless as possible. Discomfort in moving forward can eventually become empowerment.  Let go of old, unhealthy habits.  Practice gratitude for even the smallest things, such as the two legs that carry you throughout the day. Forgive and take ownership of past misdeeds. Listen in for even more wisdom from Jill and Dr. Taz.