QA 38 – How to Pin Posts Correctly on Pinterest

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary:  <br> <br> In today's Q&amp;A, we are helping you learn how to pin to Pinterest correctly.<br> <br> Do you have a question you want answered on our podcast? We would love to help you!<br> <br> Click here to ask your question!<br> Resources Mentioned in this Episode<br> <br> Pinterest<br> Pin Button Attraction plugin<br> Check out<br> <br> Let’s dive into this week’s question!<br> <br> JOCELYN: Hey y’all, you’re listening to Q&amp;A with S&amp;J.<br> <br> SHANE: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. Join us each week as we teach you how to flip your lifestyle upside down by selling stuff online. Are you ready for something different? All right, let's get started.<br> <br> JOCELYN: Hey guys, welcome to today’s Q&amp;A mini podcast. We are here today with a question from Walter Gould.<br> <br> SHANE: Gould, G-O-U-L-D.<br> <br> JOCELYN: That would be a G.<br> <br> SHANE: G-O-U-L-D.<br> <br> JOCELYN: Sorry Walter.<br> <br> SHANE: Gould, Walter Gould.<br> <br> JOCELYN: I’m sorry we messed up your name.<br> “My wife, Vicky, who is an elementary PE teacher, and I are in the beginning stages of starting a business, One of our struggles has been getting our arms around social media, in particular, Pinterest. We have started pinning pins on Vicky’s Pinterest page that link back to blog post but we’re not sure we’re doing it correctly and we’re not sure how to get the “learn more at website” to hover over the pins.”<br> All right, Walter, we have done some fine investigating on this topic.<br> <br> SHANE: Sherlock Holmes has on this morning trying to figure this out. What Walter is talking about is in your feed on Pinterest or like when you search for something and all the little board show up or whatever, and I am by no means an expert on Pinterest.<br> <br> Jocelyn is way more into Pinterest than I am. We looked at I and what happens is when you’re flipping your mouse like overall the little things that people have pinned, lo and behold, down at the bottom, when you hover your mouse over a certain thing, a little sentence pops up that says, “Learn more at” if it was one of Walter’s pins.<br> <br> The difference is if you go look at your boards, they do not do that. When you hover over your own pins, like on your own boards, that little sentence does not pop up like that. As far as we can tell, Walter, this only happens in the feed or the search results and does not happen on your own boards. If you’re looking at your own boards and that’s not popping up, as far as we can tell, that does not happen there so don’t freak out like you’re doing something wrong because we’re not sure for sure if it even is suppose to happen on your own boards. It only happens in the actual feed.<br> <br> JOCELYN: Or at least from when I was looking at this morning. Another thing that you can do, there is a little pin it button and you can actually get this for any browser. We use the Chrome browser and it is an…<br> <br> SHANE: It’s like an extension that you download into your browser basically.<br> <br> JOCELYN: Yeah, and you can actually even download it from Pinterest. If you just type in “Pinterest pin it button,” it will take you right there and you can download for whichever browser you use. This is how I pin all of the things from my website and I like using the pin it button because you can pin it from your website and it will automatically pop up with all of the information that Pinterest wants.<br> <br> Right there, you can type in the description of your pin and that’s a great way to type in something that somebody might be searching for in Pinterest so you want to make sure you have a good description there. Remember that people can change that so it’s always go...