What should my quiet time look like?

FOCUSed15 Podcast show

Summary: Whether you realize it or not, we all have expectations and pictures of what the “perfect” quiet time looks like. Though we certainly need to be careful not to give in to the paralysis of perfectionism, it is typically helpful to have some guidelines in place to evaluate how effective our time with God is. Listen in to this 15 minute episode to receive some helpful guard rails to keep your quiet times on track. Click to tweet >> Listen in to this #podcast episode to receive helpful guard rails to keep your quiet times on track. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL HEAR ABOUT: How we define a “quiet time” The importance of both hearing from the Lord and speaking to Him within your quiet time Specific elements given to help incorporate both this hearing and speaking into your time with God Three ways to approach the intake of God’s Word Three ways to communicate with God during your quiet time Quiet time ruts we may get into that keep up from experiencing God more fully RESOURCES MENTIONED: First letters Ninja mind trick