Greens largely backing Coalition school-funding plan

Mandarin show

Summary: As Labor continues its attack on the Turnbull Government's proposed school-funding changes, the Coalition has found an unlikely ally. The Greens say they largely support the changes, which would reduce funding for some wealthy private... (特恩布尔政府本周公布了重大的学校拨款改革计划,将联邦教育拨款由 2017 年的 175 亿元增至 2027 年的 306 亿元,增幅达 75 %。这个计划受到了工党的批评和攻击,却受到了绿党的支持。这个计划也引起了教会学校的不满,因为包括教会学校在内,部分私校的拨款会受到削减,请听记者吴音的报道。 )