Preserving the Relationship When Loved Ones Believe Differently | An Interview With Jon Ogden

LeadingLDS Podcast show

Summary: Jon Ogden is the author of <a href="" target="_blank">When Mormons Doubt: A Way to Save Relationships and Seek a Quality Life</a>, as well as an Op-ed for the Salt Lake Tribune: <a href="" target="_blank">“Belief in ‘Sad Heaven’ hurts relationships in era of Mormon doubt.”</a><br> Interview Highlights<br> <br> * How our perspective of the afterlife can hurt our family relations with those who disagree with us. (3:38)<br> * When relationships are defined by difference, it’s unhealthy. 5:40<br> * Where did the concept of a “Sad Heaven” come from? 5:50<br> * Reconsidering what constitutes success. 7:00<br> * Will family relations be the way we think they will in Heaven? 8:00<br> * Mr. Rogers &amp; Pascal’s wager, “I love you just the way you are.” 10:10<br> * Becoming closer to God by loving those as they are.  13:30<br> * “You are worrying about the wrong problem. You just live worthy of the celestial kingdom, and the family arrangements will be more wonderful than you can imagine.” <a href="" target="_blank">The Hope of Eternal Family – President Henry B. Eyring August 2016 Ensign </a>14:33<br> * Finding common ground between believers and doubters. 18:10<br> * Doubting is wrestling at an intellectual level. 19:20<br> * Finding beauty, goodness and truth in the church and appreciating it. 20:25<br> * Being open to uncomfortable historical facts of our church. 23:46<br> * Finding and embracing beauty all around. 28:52<br> * When I followed my religion, I became the man I want to be.  31:49<br> * Why do we worry when people leave the church? 34:10<br> * What if they don’t return to our church? 39:00<br> <br> Links:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">The Hope of Eternal Family—President Henry B. Eyring</a><br>